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Upcoming events
180 Minutes of the Future of Payments
180 Minutes of the Future of Payments in Banking: Exclusive Breakfast Seminar for Banking Professionals
Pakotepäivä 2025
Pakotteet ja kuinka tehokkaasti estää niiden kiertäminen.
Seminaari tarjoaa kattavan katsauksen pakotteiden maailmaan, aina uusista pakotteista käytännön esimerkkeihin ja keinoihin niiden kiertämisen torjunnassa. Osallistujilla on mahdollisuus syventää ymmärrystään pankkien roolista pakotteiden kiertämisen torjunnassa, sekä strategioista pakotteiden aiheuttaman työmäärän hallintaan kustannustehokkaasti.
Osallistu, kehitä osaamistasi ja varmista, että organisaatiosi on valmis kohtaamaan pakotteiden haasteet tehokkaasti!
Fintech Festival Berlin
Fintech Berlin 2025 x Finland
Join us at the Fintech Berlin 2025 fair (FIBE) at the Nordic Pavilion on April 9th and 10th.
Join us in mid-May in Helsinki – Discover the future of finance at the Nordic Fintech Strategy Arena!
Explore how the Nordics lead Eurozone finance innovation through the “Nordic 2030 Fintech Strategy” by connecting with growth-minded executives in finance and technology, all in the heart of the Nordic Eurozone capital. Enjoy a program packed with insights and inspiration, all while experiencing the coolest summer on the planet.
Join us as we celebrate the 10th anniversary of Nordic Fintech and unveil the 2030 strategy to guide and shape the next decade of financial innovation!
AML Arena 2025
AML Arena tarjoaa kattavan ajankohtaispäivityksen rahanpesun ja terrorismin rahoittamisen estämisen keskeiseen sääntelyyn, viranomaistyöhön, tuoreisiin ilmiöihin ja erityiskysymyksiin aiheen parissa työskenteleville asiantuntijoille ja ammattilaisille. Seminaari on tarkoitettu kaikille rahanpesun estämiseen keskittyville ammattilaisille, talousrikosten torjunnassa ja finanssiteknologian parissa työskenteleville asiantuntijoille sekä yleisesti finanssialan avainhenkilöille.
Petosriskipäivä 2025
Petosriskipäivä on finanssilaitosten vuoden tärkein koulutus!
Petosriskipäivä luo katsauksen petoksiin riskinäkökulmasta ja tiivistää yhteen muuttuvat vastuut uusimman regulaation valossa sekä tarjoaa kokonaisvaltaisen näkemyksen teknologia-avusteiseen riskienhallintaan petosten torjunnassa finanssilaitosten näkökulmasta.
Past events
180 Minutes of the Future of Payments
180 Minutes of the Future of Payments in Banking: Exclusive Breakfast Seminar for Banking Professionals
Financial Crime Forum: Introduction to Sanctions
From Why to Wow – Migration Considerations & Success Factors
Join the From Why to Wow – Migration Considerations & Success Factors’ webinar hosted by Enfuce, where industry experts who have migrated card programmes will discuss their experiences and reasons for switching. Explore topics such as compliance as a core migration driver, the value of innovation, and the necessity of strong support and seamless integration. Gain perspectives from leaders at Enfuce, Endava, and OKQ8, and begin your migration journey with confidence.
Nordic Banking Forum is a high-level, yet relaxed event, that will bring together bank executives from the Nordics and Baltics to discuss topical issues around the economy, change management, strategies, and digitalization.
Slush Party – Helsinki Fintech Loop 2024
The legendary fintech side event of Slush!
Helsinki Fintech Loop is an exclusive party, that brings together the most important fintech entrepreneurs, banking executives, and fintech investors.
Talousrikollisuus Forum: Petosriskipäivä 2024
Petosriskipäivä on finanssilaitosten uusi vuoden tärkein koulutus!
Petosriskipäivä luo katsauksen petoksiin riskinäkökulmasta ja tiivistää yhteen muuttuvat vastuut uusimman regulaation valossa sekä tarjoaa kokonaisvaltaisen näkemyksen teknologia-avusteiseen riskienhallintaan petosten torjunnassa finanssilaitosten näkökulmasta.
Nordic Banking 2025 Capital Market Landscape
Join us for the LinkedIn Live webinar Nordic Banking 2025 Capital Market Landscape on November 7th, as we explore the evolving Nordic Banking Landscape for 2025 with a focus on capital markets.
Oktoberfest with Holvi
Gear up your Lederhosen and banking innovation—it’s time for Oktoberfest!
180 Minutes of GenAI in Banking
This breakfast seminar features keynotes by industry leaders, thought-provoking discussions, and valuable networking opportunities designed exclusively for banking professionals.
KYC Mastery: EU Beneficial Owner Data Overhaul
Our expert speakers will guide you through the intricacies of identifying and verifying beneficial owners, shedding light on common pitfalls and best practices. Additionally, we will address the practical challenges of implementing EU regulatory requirements, offering actionable insights to help your organization navigate these complexities with confidence.
Morning coffee event on Legacy with expert speakers
How not to fail: Digital development programs in banks
Join us for an enlightening and fun after-work event at the intersection of finance and technology.
The event is held at Siili HQ in Kamppi, Helsinki, and will feature a panel discussion about DOs and DONTs in banking industry digital development programs.
There will be food and drinks, and to make this event even more special, we have invited VIP bartenders to serve us sunny cocktails to celebrate the warm summer.
Pakotteet ja kuinka tehokkaasti estää niiden kiertäminen.
Seminaari tarjoaa kattavan katsauksen pakotteiden maailmaan, aina uusista pakotteista käytännön esimerkkeihin ja keinoihin niiden kiertämisen torjunnassa. Osallistujilla on mahdollisuus syventää ymmärrystään pankkien roolista pakotteiden kiertämisen torjunnassa, sekä strategioista pakotteiden aiheuttaman työmäärän hallintaan kustannustehokkaasti.
Osallistu, kehitä osaamistasi ja varmista, että organisaatiosi on valmis kohtaamaan pakotteiden haasteet tehokkaasti!
Connect with the Nordic and Baltic tech leaders in finance on May 16th, 2024 in Helsinki.
Masterclass on Explainable AI in Finance: The Future of Credit Risk Modeling
Dive into discussions on how to bring credit risk modeling into the future, where sophistication meets transparency. Join us for an engaging masterclass that unveils the potential of AI to drive customer segmentation and decision-making within the highly regulated IRB modeling domain. Discover how Explainable AI (XAI) can facilitate wider-spread adoption of advanced AI models, ensuring every credit decision is not only optimal but also transparent.
Engage in discussions about the intersection of regulation and advanced modeling techniques, exploring paths toward more efficient and informed credit decisions.
Strangely satisfying card experiences start here
Creating any card program requires balance, harmony, even zen. To get there, you must first answer – do you build or do you buy?
Join some of Europe’s leading experts in the FI, card program, and payments space and add your voice to the debate around building or buying card programs. Whether you’re starting out, expanding, or thinking of migrating – what you hear may surprise you. It may even delight you.
Sign up now to join and receive an invite link and the full report and recording afterwards.
Increased Regulation in Payments – Business Brake or Growth Enabler?
Welcome to BearingPoint’s breakfast seminar with a focus on recently enforced and upcoming payments regulations (SEPA Instant, PSD3, PSR, FIDA). Come join us for a delicious breakfast, insights from industry experts, and a discussion with peers from the payments industry!
D&I x Fintech Farm: Tekoälysäädös finanssialalla
Euroopan Unionin tekoälysäädös (Artificial Intelligence Act, AI Act) on maailman ensimmäinen tekoälyä kattavasti käsittelevä sääntelykokonaisuus ja se tulee vaikuttamaan vahvasti myös finanssialan yrityksiin EU-alueella. Tässä webinaarissa tutustumme tulevaan sääntelyyn ja kerromme, miten finanssialan yritysten tulisi varautua sen täytääntöönpanoon.
EU Digital Finance: Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation (MiCAR)
Crypto-assets are entering regulated territory, bringing them into reach for the traditional financial sector.
This online seminar provides a comprehensive understanding of the Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation (MiCAR), shedding light on both potential risks and opportunities. The seminar is designed for financial industry professionals, encompassing compliance and risk management officers, legal consultants, asset managers, top executives, and anyone with a keen interest in the evolving world of finance.
XENIX Index Investing Seminar Suomi 2024
XENIX organizes the first ESG Index Investing Seminar for professional passive investors in Finland. The venue host of the XENIX event is Nasdaq Nordic. The professional seminar takes place in the historic premises of the Finnish Stock Exchange (Pörssitalo) in the center of Helsinki.
Scaling a Digital Bank
Get ready for: “SCALING A DIGITAL BANK” – a FREE & LIVE Webinar! We’re joined by 3 amazing professionals – modern knights who ride unicorns 🦄 and have tons of experience ready to share with the world!
Experience an exquisite talk by the Nordic Fintech Summit, where we will explore the how-to and challenges of scaling a digital bank.
D&I x Fintech Farm: Datasäädös ja FIDA finanssialalla
Open Finance -asetusehdotus FIDA ja EU:n datasäädös on suunnattu parantamaan ja selkeyttämään finanssialan yritysten mahdollisuuksia hyödyntää ja jakaa dataa turvallisesti ja tehokkaasti.
Varsinkin FIDA:lla (Framework for Financial Data Access) on arveltu olevan merkittävä vaikutus koko finanssialaan.
Tämä finanssialan ammattilaisille suunnattu aamiaistilaisuus tarjoaa ajankohtaisen katsauksen siihen mitä tiedämme tulevasta sääntelystä.
Ajankohtaista EU Digital Finance pakettiin: Finanssimarkkinat ja kryptovarat
Uusi sääntely tuo kryptovarat perinteisen finanssialan ulottuville. Seminaari tarjoaa ymmärryksen MiCAR ja TFR -yhteensopivuudesta, valaisten sekä potentiaalisia riskejä että mahdollisuuksia. Seminaari on kutsuvierastilaisuus ja on ensisijaisesti tarkoitettu finanssilaitosten työntekijöille.
D&I x Fintech Farm: DORA-compliance -aamiaistilaisuus
DORA (Digital Operational Resilience Act) on EU-asetus, jonka tarkoituksena on hallita rahoitusmarkkinoilla ilmeneviä digitaalisia riskejä.
Asetuksen tavoitteena on kasvattaa finanssilaitosten resilienssiä ja yleistä huoltovarmuutta häiriötilanteissa.
Tapahtumassa käydään läpi mitä DORA-asetus pitää sisällään ja mitä finanssilaitosten on syytä huomioida sen täytäntöönpanossa.
Payment Executive Webinar
Unveiling Embedded Payments
Sign up for this Payment Executive Webinar exploring the many current and future strategic opportunities around payments and embedded finance.
Stockholm Fintech Week Investor Day
It is harder than ever for fintechs to raise capital, let’s change that!
Fintech of the Year Finals & After work with Siili Solutions
It’s time to hear success stories from the Finnish fintech industry and award the most revolutionary Finnish fintech of 2023.
Join this event to get to know the most thriving fintech companies and to mingle with fellows from the fintech and financial industry.
Tämä seminaari tarjoaa kattavan katsauksen teknologian rooliin ja mahdollisuuksiin talousrikosten tunnistamisessa ja torjunnassa, tarjoten samalla osallistujille mahdollisuuden syventää ymmärrystään tulevaisuuden talousrikollisuuden torjunnasta ja käydä keskusteluja johtavien asiantuntijoiden kanssa. Seminaari on tarkoitettu rahoitusalan ammattilaisille, talousrikosten torjunnassa ja finanssiteknologian parissa työskenteleville sekä kaikille aiheesta kiinnostuneille.
Trendspotting & Glögi: Nordic Banking 2033 – And how to get there
BearingPoint invites you to an afternoon event, where we present the key findings and recommendations from a recent whitepaper “Nordic Banking 2033 – And how to get there” that outlines our view on the future state of Nordic financial services. In short: what should senior leaders take into consideration – and what areas should they focus on – when they deploy their scarce development budgets today?
Slush party – Helsinki Fintech Loop
The legendary pool party is now Helsinki Fintech Loop!
Helsinki Fintech Farm’s exclusive Slush side event will return in 2023 with a new twist so stay tuned!
Nordic Fintech Trends – Blockchain & Iceland
Are you curious to hear about new fintech solutions being built out in the Nordics, which Nordic fintechs have recently raised rounds, or perhaps which exciting events and activities you should keep an eye out for in the region? We have just the event for you to join.
Nordic Fintech Trends is a series of latest fintech trends and developments presented to you by different stakeholders in the Nordic Fintech Alliance ecosystem. In this episode, we are doubling down on Iceland!
The episode would be hosted by Reykjavik Fintech Cluster and their team, together with co-hosts from Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden.
LEADING TOMORROW’S BANK – Nordic Banking Forum is a high-level, yet relaxed, event that takes place on October 11th, 2023 in Helsinki and will bring together bank executives from the Nordics and Baltics to discuss topical issues around the economy, change leadership, strategies, and digitalization.
The event will consist of keynote speeches and riveting panel discussions and includes a multitude of networking opportunities. There will of course be also a pre-event gathering the day before and the event day itself will have a fitting ending with the Fintech of the Year final & after-work mingling.
Helsinki Fintech Open
Fintech community tennis tournament organized by Helsinki Fintech Farm and Bank of Finland.
Stay tuned.
PR Generation in Fintech: Leveraging Media Coverage to Drive Success
Join us for an exclusive webinar presented in partnership by two leading London-based fintech specialists in PR and marketing: Bluestripe Group and Saari.
This insightful webinar is designed to equip professionals in the fintech sector with the knowledge and strategies to overcome the unique challenges of public relations in this dynamic industry. During the webinar, our expert speakers will delve into various aspects of PR generation in fintech, focusing on three key areas.
Whether you’re a fintech entrepreneur, marketer, or PR professional, we hope that you are able to join us to gain a genuine understanding of the PR challenge and opportunity in the fintech industry and drive sustainable growth for your organization.
Fintech Farm After Work – Wine & Cheese
Summer is almost here so it is high time for another Wine & Cheese after work!
This time the after-work is organized together with Fintech Farm’s partner BearingPoint and the wine theme is Spain 🍷
So join us on Thursday, May 25th to enjoy the drinks, snacks, and casual networking!
Nordic Fintech Trends – Web3 & Digital Assets
Join us for Nordic Fintech Trends: Web3 & Digital Assets, to get the latest industry insights.
Nordic Fintech Summit 2023 brings together leading Nordic financial institutions, fintechs, regulators, and other experts to discuss the most current topics, and share their practical experiences in the rapidly changing financial industry.
Monetizing Open Banking: Part 4
Have you ever seen an Open Banking presentation without understanding where the business and money are? So have we.
Popular Monetizing Open Banking continues with new real open banking business cases. Instead of hype and theory, we will be showcasing concrete examples of API and platform banking value creation – PSD2 and beyond.
Norway Fintech Festival
Partner event
At the Norway Fintech Festival, you’ll have the chance to network with peers, make new connections, and gain insights from the industry’s elite. Get ready to be inspired by world-class speakers and engage in interactive challenges and electrifying festivities.
Nordic Fintech Trends – ESG Data & Screening
Join us for Nordic Fintech Trend: ESG Data & Screening, and hear from our various Nordic partners on their work in ESG.
Fintech Farm After Work – Wine & Cheese
New year, new after-work events!
As we’re getting closer to March, we figured it is time for the first Fintech Farm After Work in 2023 – this time, with some wine & cheese 🍷
So join us on Thursday, March 9th to enjoy the drinks, snacks, and casual networking!
STHLM Fintech Week 2023
Sthlm Fintech Week 2023 kicks off the year with a packed 2-day conference and a full week of side-events from industry leaders.
Monetizing Open Banking: Part 3
Have you ever seen an Open Banking presentation without understanding where the business and money are? So have we.
Popular Monetizing Open Banking is coming back with new real open banking business cases. Instead of hype and theory, we will be showcasing concrete examples of API and platform banking value creation – PSD2 and beyond.
Nordic Fintech Trends: Sweden Fintech Spotlight
Join in on Nordic Fintech Trend series where we dive in on fintech by country in each region. In this episode, it’s all in on Sweden!
Digital Finance Forum
LEADING TOMORROW’S BANK – For years Digital Finance Forum has been the platform for top decision-makers in the industry to discuss the trends, strategies and technologies of the future of finance.
Now we are back for the 10th time with a full day of most current topics, interesting speakers and newsworthy cases.
No thought leaders – Just real bankers and industry experts!
Helsinki Fintech Pool
The legendary pool party!
Helsinki Fintech Pool, is an exclusive event, that brings together the most important fintech entrepreneurs, banking executives and fintech investors. The evening consists of food and drinks, networking, karaoke, music, sauna and swimming.
Nordic Fintech Trends 2022 – Iceland
The Nordic Fintech Alliance has created the Nordic Fintech Trends 2022 series to present the latest trends in Nordic Fintech. Each session includes an update from each hub and then a deep dive into one of the countries. This session will focus on the Icelandic ecosystem.
Workshop with Tietoevry – Building trusted digital banking
Tietoevry, Fintech Farm and Business Finland warmly welcome companies to join a face-to-face workshop on Wednesday 2 November in Helsinki. The goal of the workshop is to ideate new commercialization opportunities for the Banking industry, that would be researched and developed jointly, within an ecosystem.
Fintech Farm After Work – Movie Night
Fintech Farm After Work series continue, this time with a brand new documentary of the rise and fall of Wirecard, the fintech giant once hailed as the face of modern German business.
So join us on Thursday October 27th to enjoy drinks and snacks while getting into the spooky season with a real life business horror story – Scandal! Bringing Down Wirecard.
Nordic Fintech Trends 2022 – Sweden
The Nordic Fintech Alliance has created the Nordic Fintech Trends 2022 series to present the latest trends in Nordic Fintech. Each session includes an update from each hub and then a deep dive into one of the countries. This session will focus on the Swedish ecosystem.
Helsinki Fintech Open
Fintech community tennis tournament organized by Helsinki Fintech Farm and Bank of Finland.
Stay tuned.
Boost your marketing and digital sales skills in fintech
Nordic Fintech Trends 2022 – Finland
The Nordic Fintech Alliance has created the Nordic Fintech Trends 2022 series to present the latest trends in Nordic Fintech. Each session includes an update from each hub and then a deep dive into one of the countries. This session will focus on the Finnish ecosystem.
RegTech Day
The financial industry is changing, and at the same time, the regulatory and compliance burden is getting heavier. How to turn regulation to an advantage?
RegTech Day brings together regulation technology success stories about risk management, modern approaches to data management and sheds light on the development of future requirements.
Fintech Farm After Work x Qvik
Welcome to the first (but definitely not the last) Fintech Farm After Work in 2022!
Join us on Tuesday May 24th to enjoy drinks and snacks while casually getting back to networking and meeting people.
Nordic Fintech Trends 2022 – Norway
The Nordic Fintech Alliance has created the Nordic Fintech Trends 2022 series to present the latest trends in Nordic Fintech. Each session includes an update from each hub and then a deep dive into one of the countries. This session will focus on the Norwegian ecosystem.
Nordic-Africa Fintech Summit
Nordic-Africa Fintech Summit is organised by Fintech Farm Helsinki and Social Enterprise Ghana and it aims to build a bridge between Finland and Ghana, and Nordics and Africa. Join this free webinar to explore the market opportunities in these markets.
How to build payment services that users love – story with Pleo
Partner event by Enfuce
Want to know how you can build customer-centric payment services and expand to new markets? Join Enfuce’s webinar with Pleo on Monday 11 April at 10:00 CET! You’ll learn how they succeeded at it, from their Chief Product Officer Olov Eriksson, our Product Manager Linda Buss, and our CTO and Co-Founder Niklas Apellund.
The biggest finance and tech event in Finland
Nordic Fintech Summit 2022 brings together leading Nordic financial institutions, fintechs, regulators and other experts to discuss the most current topics, and share their practical experiences in the rapidly changing financial industry.
Nordic Fintech Trends – Denmark
The Nordic Fintech Alliance has created the Nordic Fintech Trends 2022 series to present the latest trends in Nordic Fintech. Each session includes an update from each hub and then a deep dive into one of the countries. This session will focus on the Danish ecosystem.
Essential Fundraising KPI’s for SaaS Businesses
External webinar. How do you convince complete strangers to give you money? Nope, this isn’t some pyramid scheme, pressure selling sales tactic seminar hosted by Calqulate, member of Helsinki Fintech Farm.
FinStack-kahvitauko: Työlainsäädäntö pähkinänkuoressa
Tervetuloa FinStack kahvitauolle, jossa Dittmar & Indrenius Asianajotoimiston Työoikeuspraktiikan vetäjä Suvi Knaapila sparraa miten välttää yleisimmät sudenkuopat. Osallistujilla on mahdollisuus kysyä työsuhteisiin ja -lainsäädäntöön liittyviä kysymyksiä.
Why Should Banks Be Open to Ecosystems?
On January 18, industry professionals will discuss the merits behind creating software ecosystems in banking. They will delve into and outline the ever-evolving business landscape, which requires well-thought-through strategies and truly dedicated solutions for every end customer’s personalized experience.
FinStack-kahvitauko: Web3 ja hajautetun finanssi-infastruktuurin tulevaisuus
Mikko Alasaarela alustaa ensimmäisen FinStack-kahvitauon. Puheenaiheina: Web3 – tulevaisuus vai uusi muotisana? Hajautetun finanssi-infastruktuurin tulevaisuus.
What is TIBER and what should I know about it?
Antti Niemelä Principal Security Consultant from Nixu Oyj will be answering to the questions: What is TIBER and what should I know about it? Some tips and recommendations what to consider when preparing for a TIBER assessment.
How to Successfully Wrap up Your Financial Year and Prepare for Faster Scaling
External event
In this webinar, Niko from Calqulate will be dissecting all you need to wrap up your financial year like a PRO: How and what to prepare for your audit, keeping your fundraising due diligence in order and what CFOs should expect in terms of reporting.
Fintech Foresight – Opportunities in Europe and Nordics
External event
We are inviting all Finnish Fintechs and companies interested in working within the financial sector to our online lunchtime event on December 9th. The event is divided into two topical sessions: European growth opportunities and a focus on Norway. You can register to either both sessions or just one.
FinTech for Future
External event
How to facilitate a more humane future through fintech? Event is hosted by Mastercard Lighthouse.
Helsinki Fintech Pool
Legendary pool party is back!
Helsinki Fintech Pool, is an exclusive event, that brings together the most important fintech entrepreneurs, banking executives and fintech investors. The evening consists of food and drinks, networking, music, sauna and swimming in hot and seawater pools.
Kilpailuetu turvallisesta käytettävyydestä
External event
Tervetuloa Qvikin ja Signicatin yhteiseen asiakastilaisuuteen kuulemaan paikan päällä kaksi mielenkiintoista asiakastarinaa siitä kuinka turvalliset tunnistautumisen mobiilipalvelut lisäsivät asiakasuskollisuutta ja kasvattivat liiketoimintaa.
Nordic Fintech Trends 2021 – #Iceland
The Nordic Fintech Alliance presents the Nordic Fintech Trend series where the latest insights and news from the region will be shared
Mainstreaming Cryptos
Cryptocurrencies are no longer a niche thing, for just a small group of geeks, but a popular asset class that big and regulated financial industry companies are looking into. Join this free webinar to hear what are the future plans of the payment giant Visa, their customer and the biggest Finnish bitcoin marketplace LocalBitcoins.
SaaS Marketing and Sales analytics for Growth
External event
In this webinar, Calqulate takes a closer look at the cross over between Sales, Marketing and Finance functions and examine practical ways these departments can work together to measure and produce results.
How to access VC funding in the UK?
External event
We warmly welcome you to join us for a breakfast roundtable discussion with London-based tech investor Sophie Winwood (Anthemis) on Wed 27 Oct at 8:30-10:00 in the British Embassy.
How to Leverage Subscription Billing Data in Financial Analytics
External event
MRR, LTV, Churn & CAC are the lego blocks of your financial reporting. In this talk, we will show you how to avoid stepping on these potential KPI’s in the dark.
Communicate internationally – What small businesses with international ambitions should know about communication
External event
Are you planning on growing your company internationally? Or maybe launching a new venture with international growth in mind? To get the message across in an international environment, your communication plan needs to live up to your business ambitions.
Nordic Fintech Trends 2021 – #Sweden
The Nordic Fintech Alliance presents the Nordic Fintech Trend series where the latest insights and news from the region will be shared
Miten tehdä yrityksestä hiilineutraali?
Third Rock, Compensate ja UseLess Company haluavat auttaa yrityksiä järjestämällä ilmaisen webinaarin, jossa kolme asiantuntijaamme antavat parhaat vinkkinsä hiilineutraaliuden saavuttamiseksi. Lisäksi luvassa useampi yritysmaailman case-esimerkki, joissa kerrotaan ilmastotavoitteiden asettamisesta ja saavuttamisesta käytännössä.
Nordic Fintech Trends 2021 – #Finland
The Nordic Fintech Alliance presents the Nordic Fintech Trends event where we will deep dive into the Finnish fintech ecosystem.
Nordic Fintech Trends 2021 – #Norway
The Nordic Fintech Alliance presents the Nordic Fintech Trends event where we will deep dive into the Norwegian fintech ecosystem.
How to launch a winning payment card (with Pleo)
Partner event
Tune in and learn:
- How to define objectives for your card business
- Tips and things to consider when designing your card product
- How to find the right service partner
- How Pleo successfully launched their payment card
Mcb tech.21
Partner event
Once again, It’s time to get a tech update from some of the brightest minds in the industry. Join us for an out-of-the-ordinary, virtual studio experience with a stellar line-up of world-renowned expertise on innovation and the future of technology.
Nordic Fintech Trends 2021 – #Impact
The Nordic Fintech Alliance presents the Nordic Fintech Trends event where we will deep dive into how fintech solutions help solve many of the global sustainability goals.
FinanceEstonia – What does it take to succeed in Finland?
Partner event
What are the opportunities and challenges of entering and growing your fintech in Finland? FinanceEstonia together with Helsinki Fintech Farm is trying to figure it out.
5 ways to grow with payment cards, and why do it
Partner event
- Concrete insights on how to build a business case for payment cards
- Tips for a successful card product design
- 5 successful case examples of payment cards across Europe (neobank, payroll, lending, business spending, subscription)
Fintech: Helsinki meets Luxembourg
In a changing world and an ever-changing financial sector, connecting two of Europe’s leading fintech hubs is an entry point for potential synergies between startups and investors. Let’s connect the dots and start the conversation together.
What are the specificities of the two financial capitals and the essential innovative solutions? Who are the entrepreneurs, investors and key players in the ecosystems?
This day is devoted to networking through a dedicated matchmaking platform on which you can schedule business appointments and a series of relevant interventions not to be missed.
Meet & Greet with the Finnish Fintech Community
Fintech Farm, Helsinki Business Hub and Fintech Finland partners with FinTech Connector to bring our communities together for a member Meet & Greet in our very successful speed networking event that enables you to meaningfully connect with members from these organizations through multiple rounds of five-minute, one-on-one conversations.
The purpose of these one-on-one conversations is to open dialogue and learn more about the vibrant fintech innovation ecosystem that FinTech Connector and Finland offers.
Nordic Fintech Trends 2021 – Denmark
The Nordic Fintech Alliance has created the Nordic Fintech Trends 2021 series to present the latest trends in Nordic Fintech. Each session includes an update from each hub and then a deep dive into one of the countries. The first session will focus on the Danish ecosystem.
Nordic Fintech Summit
Transforming Banking
Nordic Fintech Summit brings together leading Nordic financial institutions, fintechs, regulators and other experts to discuss the most current topics, and share their practical experiences in the rapidly changing financial industry. The tracks for 2021 are Strategy & Disruption, Core & Cloud Banking, Payments & Commerce and Fintech & Transformation.
Virtual: RegTech Day
The financial industry is changing, and at the same time, the regulatory and compliance burden is getting heavier. How to turn regulation to an advantage?
Regtech Day brings together international regulation technology success stories about risk management, modern approaches to data management and sheds light on the development of future requirements.
This three-day online event gives you access to the latest insights, practical use cases and a network of colleagues working in financial regulation and technology.
STHLM Fintech Week
Partner Event
Sthlm Fintech Week is an annual event bringing together thought-leaders to foster new connections and enhance collaboration. During the event, participants can deep dive in different fintech verticals, meet hundreds of world-class experts and participants joining forces and sharing their experience.
Sthlm Fintech Week 2021 will be hosted digitally during February 9 – 10.
Monetizing Open Banking: Part 2
Have you ever seen an Open Banking presentation without understanding where the business and money are? So have we.
Popular Monetizing Open Banking is coming back with new real open banking business cases. Instead of hype and theory, we will be showcasing concrete examples of API banking value creation across the Nordics – PSD2 and beyond.
Taking advantage of open banking: it’s more than a mindset
Partner Event
Tink Out Loud #4 – Live Session
We’ve seen that financial institutions across Europe are investing big in the open banking opportunity – but is there anything getting in the way when it comes to realising open banking objectives and optimising investments?
In this fourth session, we will find out:
- In which areas C-level executives are feeling particularly confident
- How the views in the product organisation typically differ from other departments
- What steps institutions can take to get the most value from their efforts
Santa’s Christmas Pitch: Partner Event
Exciting new free online event for Finnish startup ecosystem and international investors to connect in a Christmas spirit. Finnish startups pitching to local and international investors, wrapping up 2020 on a positive note. Pitching, networking, workshops, round tables and the Christmas Party.
World Fintech Festival in Finland
As part of the Singapore FinTech Festival 2020, Fintech Farm, together with Helsinki Business Hub, The Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Business Finland and NewCo Helsinki will be hosting the World FinTech Festival in Finland on December 9th! The event comes with several interesting keynote speeches, sustainability-themed panel discussion, and the Revolutionary Fintech of the Year Finals.
Laskulla maksamisen mahdollisuudet ja riskit
Partner event
Psykoterapiakeskus Vastaamoon tapahtuneen tietomurron seurauksena laskupalvelut nähdään nyt uudessa valossa. Vakavan tietomurron takia mahdollisuudet identiteettivarkauteen sekä ulkopuolisen tekemiin luottokorttihankintoihin ja pikavippinostoihin kasvoivat hetkessä 40 000 ihmisen osalta.
Becoming a card issuer in 2020s
Are you thinking about issuing your own payment card?
Are you already a card issuer, but struggling with costs and legacy technologies?
Or are you just interested in payments and fintech?
Join this session with leading experts and real cases to learn about issuing cards in a modern way – the 2020s way!
Arctic15 – Fintech Track
The matchmaking & networking event for startups, businesses & investors is held this year online on October 19th-21st. Fintech Farm will own the Fintech Track on the 19th and bring in the most exciting fintechs, investors and bankers.
What’s driving open banking investments?
Partner Event
Tink Out Loud #3 – Live Session
In this third session, it’s time to find out where the money is going. We’ll go through our survey results revealing what use cases most institutions are investing their budgets in. Don’t miss the opportunity to learn how your business could also benefit from open banking.
Monetizing Open Banking
Have you ever seen an Open Banking presentation without understanding where the business and money are? So have we.
Open Banking has been one of the biggest buzzwords in the financial industry for years, but where are the real use cases and earning models?
Monetizing Open Banking will be showcasing concrete examples of API banking value creation across the Nordics – PSD2 and beyond.
Copenhagen Fintech Week Global
Partner event
This two days virtual conference is focused on Nordic strengths such as sustainability, finance, innovation, and tech and offers insightful keynotes, interesting discussions, exclusive sessions, demos, and curated content.
Regulation Spotlight: Fundraising 101
Are you about to raise funding?
Join this Fintech Farm, Dittmar & Indrenius and DD-Ready webinar to discuss fundraising, the do’s and don’ts, and how to ensure smooth discussions with investors.
The investments & returns of open banking
Partner Event
Tink Out Loud #2 – Live Session
In this second session, we’ll dig further into the results of our latest survey. Join to find out how much financial institutions are investing in open banking, how they will measure success, and how they’re looking to profit from it.
Future Digital Finance Forum 9
The theme for Future Digital Finance Forum on May 7th is Fintech in Corporate and Business Banking.
We will once again fill the stage with the most interesting banking executives and fintech entrepreneurs.
FinStack – Fintech Venturing Bootcamp
Super popular FinStack – Fintech Venturing Bootcamp is again in March. As a part of the FinStack – The Fintech Venturing Toolkit, this bootcamp is suitable for both fintech companies and development teams from banks, who want to learn how to build and scale digital finance solutions.
RegTech Day
How to stay competitive in a fast-moving regulatory environment?
The financial industry is rapidly changing and getting disrupted. At the same time, the regulatory and compliance burden is increasingly getting more complex. How to keep up with the pace of the change, and still manage the risks, and be compliant in an effective way? The answer is technology.
RegTech Day 2020 brings together financial institutions, regulators, innovators and technology providers for a full day of compliance innovation and real-life solutions. We have taken the most current topics within the finance industry and have sought to find new ways to solve them or get clarity around them.
Helsinki Fintech Pool 2019
Slush brings thousands of interesting people to Helsinki every year, but how to catch up with all the relevant ones?
Finding a needle in a haystack requires too much time and luck. That’s why we are organizing a fintech side-event, where you will get all the contacts you need in one place.
Helsinki Fintech Pool, is an exclusive, invitation-only event, that brings together the most important fintech entrepreneurs, banking executives and fintech investors. The evening consists of food and drinks, networking, music, sauna and swimming in hot and seawater pools.